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Dore Project

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<font color=#bdbdb6 face=Verdana><strong>Two Rivers Dore</strong><br />
Two rivers with same name. 14 soils from 14 points.
      <br />River Dore, Puy de Dome. <em>(F)</em> from source to confluence with Allier. <br />

 River Dore, Herefordshire. <em>(GB)</em> from source to confluence with Monnow.<br />
Soils on canvas used in order of collection. <em>Each panel 198 x 46cm wide - 2003-06</em></font>
<font color=#bdbdb6 face=Verdana><strong>Two Rivers Dore, </strong> Detail<br />
Two Golden Rivers. 
<em>Each panel 198 x 46cm wide - 2003-06</em></font>
<font color=#bdbdb6 face=Verdana><strong>Herbs</strong> - 5 direct prints from plants collected on Black Hill,  
5 direct prints from plants collected on Monts Livradois.<BR><em>Oil on Indian paper.  62.5 x 93.5cm wide. framed  - Aug 2005</em></font> <font color=#bdbdb6 face=Verdana><strong>When Walking I</strong><br />
Soil collected during day walk on Monts Forez <em>- 84 x 74 cm wide. 2005</em></font> <font color=#bdbdb6 face=Verdana><strong>When Walking II</strong><br />
Soil collected during day walk on Black Hill <em>- 84 x 74 cm wide. 2005</em></font> <font color=#bdbdb6 face=Verdana><strong>Shape of the path
 series I - IV</strong><br />
Memory map of path taken on Col des Supeyres. Collected soil samples on Indian paper. Sussex chalk line.<br />
<em>17 x 19cm closed 17.5 x 294cm wide (extended) - 2005</em></font>
<font color=#bdbdb6 face=Verdana><center><table><tr><td align=center><strong>Becoming Place I</strong><br>Soils collected Black Hill. On Indian paper. Sussex chalk cross
<br /><em>84 x 74cm wide, framed - 2005</em>
</td><td width=60></td><td  align=center><strong>Becoming Place II</strong><br />Soils collected Col des Supeyres. On Indian paper. Sussex chalk cross<br /><em>84 x 74cm wide, framed - 2005</em>

Visit Sandra's YouTube Channel | Archives | Terms and ConditionsAcknowledgements
My grateful thanks to: Luke Unsworth, photographic records and Exhibition work. | Neil Tucker, Ice freeze images. | Chris Kanssan web design.