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Abberley and Malvern Hills Geopark
Apples and Pears

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<font color=#bdbdb6 face=Verdana><strong>Apples and Pears II	</strong><br />
Direct print and plant stain series.<br />
 From ancient apple and pear collection Westbury Court Gardens, Gloucestershire - <em>76 x 57 cm wide - 2006-07</em></font>
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<font color=#bdbdb6 face=Verdana><strong>Detail from Apples and Pears</strong><br />
	Direct print and plant stains - <em>76 x 57 cm wide - 2006-07</em></font>

Visit Sandra's YouTube Channel | Archives | Terms and ConditionsAcknowledgements
My grateful thanks to: Luke Unsworth, photographic records and Exhibition work. | Neil Tucker, Ice freeze images. | Chris Kanssan web design.