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Abberley and Malvern Hills Geopark
Ways of knowing, munsel chart installation and detals

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<font color=#bdbdb6 face=Verdana><strong>Ways of Knowing Installation</strong> - Wall mounted work, Munsel Chart Notations, soils and silk screen print - <em>Each panel 76 x 57cm wide - 2006-07
</em><br />
<strong>Mud and Hair Bowls</strong> - 3 Dimensional work, Unfired bowels. Soil from 6 collection points within Abberly and Malvern Hills Geopark, mixed with human hair. - <em>10 x 10cm wide - 2006-07</em>

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<strong>Burnt Earth</strong> 6 soil samples fired at 500 degrees C. <em>- 6 soil samples 300 grms each sample</em></font> <font color=#bdbdb6 face=Verdana><strong>Ways of Knowing
detail 1 & 2</strong><br />
Detail of Munsel chart notation, soils and silk screen map print, shape of path at the collection point, South Downs chalk pigment. - <em>Each panel 76 x 57cm wide - 2006-07</em></font>
<font color=#bdbdb6 face=Verdana><strong>Ways of Knowing
detail</strong><br />
Silk screen map print, shape of path at the collection point, South Downs chalk pigment. </font> <font color=#bdbdb6 face=Verdana><strong>Munsel Chart Notation</strong><br />
12 soil samples from locations throughout the Abberley and Malvern Hills Geopark<br />

Soils and silk screen print.	-<em> Each panel 76 x 57cm wide - 2006-07</em></font>

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My grateful thanks to: Luke Unsworth, photographic records and Exhibition work. | Neil Tucker, Ice freeze images. | Chris Kanssan web design.